

Page 63, exercise 11 - Choose one of the first sentences in 6 and finish the story about 100 words.

1. Jane read Marc's letter again and smiled; he was writing to tell her how much he loved her...
Now Marc is in Ireland studying the career that's important for him. He left two months ago and from the first day he writes letters to the person who he loves in this world: Jane. He explains that he's O.K. there and that he has met a lot of people but he explains too that he misses her a lot. Jane couldn't resist to cry: she wants him to return as soon as he can. She remained thinking during some time; she was sure that she will make a visit to Marc soon, very soon.


Page 55, exercise 11 - Write a letter to a friend about a film you've seen recently.

Dear Irene,
Thank you for the last letter. It was fantastic to hear news from you. And now, let me tall about a film I saw this week called 'Cold mountain'. The story happens in the year 1860, in North America. The people who live there are in Civil War. In this period, many women had to separae from their men because they were taking part in the war.

One of these couples was that of Inman and Ada. Inman escapes far from the war to meet Ada again at the countryside. In the way back he confronted many difficulties, but none of them does that he loses the hope.

It's a very romantic film with a sad end. We were very sentimental and everyone were crying when Inman died.

Kisses xxx


Page 22, exersice 3 -

Dear Andrew,
I think that we can build a web for our English class. The lessons are a bit boring, and if we make this web, our class will can it to do some activities. Would you like to help me?
I'm going to start on Friday evening at home.

Kisses xxx